ACNL: Animal Crossing v1.5: New Leaf - Welcome Amiibo Edition

ACNL Dream Address for BirlTown
Dream Suite Address: 5A00-0046-0AC0

As stated on Miiverse in 2016, I had been able to create Save-Data Backup for Animal Crossing -- twice.

The first time I did it, during 2016-November, I didnt think to attempt to restore the data. Around comes 2017-February, and Im able to take another backup; and this time remembered to test a restore.

So I started the game, and talked to Isabelle. Told her that I was destroying the town. She was worried; I, not so much. After all, I had wanted to re-create the town numerous times, but never did.

With the town leveled, I quit out of the game and went over to System Settings. There I located the backups and clicked "Restore"

The saved data was deleted as well.

It's bittersweet to have lost 3.5 years of the original town, but with Mayor May Orr running things, it'll be fun to re-experience the beginning of the game again, and as a lady.
(Maybe, if I bothered to backup my entire 32G SD card data I could have restored the town that way.)
There some things I miss from the old version of AC:NL that's not present in this new version:

Isabelle and May May planting the tree EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!
(Another good name I thought up later: "May Not". Mayor May Not.)

It took some time to get the town map I wanted --and-- to reclaim my previous town's native fruit: cherry. I never realized Rover only lets you cycle between 5 maps while sitting on the train.

So here's to starting over!

History of ACNL town: BirlTown Residents of ACNL town: BirlTown Visitors to ACNL town: BirlTown

What's in my town: Current Villagers:
  1. 2019-Jun-08: Quillson
  2. 2019-Jul-13: Teddy
  3. 2018-Sep-20: Erik*
  4. 2018-Apr-19: Groucho*
  5. 2017-Feb-07: Poppy* (Original 5).
  6. 2017-Feb-10: Mira*
  7. 2019-XXX-00: XXXXX
  8. 2019-Oct-26: Camofrog
  9. 2018-Aug-09: Bonbon*
  10. 2019-Sep-14: Anabelle
Getting pictures on April Fool's

Previous Villagers: * Received their portrait.

And my previous BirlTown mayor, also has his residence:
The previous mayor chillin' outside his tent. He's just gonna live in his tent and go fishin'.

Easter Fool's 2018:
Blanca and Zipper together. Did you cheat? I bet you cheated! There's no other way around it!  Of course I cheated, Blanca. (of course I did!)
